Saturday 29 February 2020

Last weekend was an experience to remember, so that we never repeat it.

We had this great idea of going for an over night camp on the beach before the big low brings all this rain this week.
Friday night we got everything ready, so when I finished work Saturday lunch time we could just jump in the car and drive the 2 1/2 hours to our favourite camping spot.
We knew it was going to be hot, and we knew there could be a lot of little biter's.
We have never been camping in Feburary before, and we quickly realised's TOO bloody HOT!!!
OMG the humidity was CRAZY!!

A storm rolled past us driving the humidity crazy high!
As soon as we got out of the car we heard the thunder behind us.  We didn't even bother to unpack because it looked like the storm was heading straight for us, we actually thought we might have to drive out again.  We went for a walk on the beach to fill in some time while watching the storm head off towards Broome.  Interestingly, I put a picture similar to this on social media asking Broomies how much rain they got, as it looked like they were getting hammered.  But they got NO rain at all, crazy weather!!!
We didn't get any rain on the beach either, so we unpacked and settled in to watch the amazing West Coast sunset.  Then the storm woke up some more so we enjoyed a great lightening display

Our evening was filled with Drone flying and storm photography.
I don't want to remember the horrid night that followed, so lets just say we didn't get much sleep as we swum around in our own sweat!
We were up before the sun, and luckily as well, it got HOT very fast!!  We were swimming as the tide came in at 7am just to cool down.  By 10am we were packed up and heading home to escape the heat and humidity!
But you don't have to experience all that, you can see the beauty of the WA sunset and lightening storm in the comfort of your own home.  Check out this little YouTube clip I made, to remember the good parts of our crazy weekend.

The rain has come to the Kimberley now.  This weekend we are home enjoy natures display in comfort.  Stay tuned, plenty more storms and rain footage to come as the large Low passes over us in the next couple of days.
Quondong Point is so green at the moment.

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