I've missed writing my Blog. It's been a month since my last post, in that time I've covered thousands of kilometres, and everything has changed!
Many nights spent on the side of the road while moving everything from Derby to Exmouth. |
I left Johnno camped at Quondong Point on his own for 10 days when I flow to SA to visit my sister and her family. Although Johnno fished every day to keep busy, he didn't catch many fish...seems I really am his lucky charm :) or maybe it was the wind and rough dirty sea. By the time I got back wet season build up had started, hot and humidity made it uncomfortable in the tent. So we packed up and headed off on the new adventure.
With the new plan of moving into our Exmouth house, starting a new chapter there instead of planned travel to QLD, we sold the camper trailer and retrieved Black Thing from storage.
Its 1700km from Derby to Exmouth. Towing the boat loaded with boxes, and two restless dogs in the car, made it slow going. Knowing our house still wasn't ready, we took a few days to drive down.
Two nights in a caravan park before moving into our house resulted in meeting some wonderful interesting people. |
Meta (pictured left in photo above) gave us a moving in present. It's a Dutch tradition to give Bread and Salt when moving into a new house, so you will never go hungry there...we have never had that problem!! |
We have arrived in Exmouth! Unpacking our first load. |
Almost as soon as we had unpacked this first load we decided to drive straight back with a hired trailer to get the rest of our gear. To say that I am sick of driving after that is a total understatement!! After 3 days sitting in the car I was going crazy!! Thankfully a mate said he would tow 'Little Thing' (our tinny) down, we only had to drive 200km out to the highway to meet him. I felt sick sitting in the car driving out there, so thankfully it was only to the highway and back. A jet lag feeling settled in the next day, making it hard to enjoy our first full day in our new house/home/town.
Thankfully all the driving is now over, and most of the unpacking has been done. Johnno has put Black Thing back together. A mouse had eaten some wire's, but everything else survived 8 months storage.
So what now??
It's my birthday on Sunday, I want to go Sail-fishing and drink cocktails on the beach! We will see what happens after that, no plans or goals of any kind yet, totally open to see what life deals up next!
Bring on the new adventure!!
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