Wednesday 1 July 2015

Positive Babble 1

Johnno watching people getting stuck down the beach
3 weeks un-plugged, I’m missing my blog writing.  Haven’t missed FaceBook, or E-mails, should try and check them due to Exmouth house insurance still getting sorted out, but bluh that’s what real estate agents are for…isn’t it?  I’m not really sure, but I’ll leave it to her anyway.

I have missed writing my blogs.  I’ve made a few YouTube clips ready to post when we are back in service, so I figured, why not write some blogs as well, just post them all when we move camp…if we get serve at our next stop.  We have had some amazing days fishing, entertained by the dogs, and following the Eagles around, all of which have been captured on Go Pro for your viewing pleasure..  But it’s the little things, and every day has a little something different, that I want to also share with you all, before they are lost in time.

Like one morning last week when there were dolphins circling in front of our camp, 2 Sea Eagles where sitting on the rock as if waiting for us to give them breakfast, a crab that had just changed it’s shell, and people where having sex on the beach!  ALL in one morning!

Yes, people were having sex on the beach, right under the cliff where everyone parks, and in plain view of our tent…they must have really liked it here?
Dolphins outside of camp: they camp much closer on days just before we left.

Crab changing its shell

The ‘sex on the beach’ couple being on one of a long run of strange people or happening over the last 3 weeks actually, another reason I’m missing writing my blog.  After 3 weeks here we are so surprised how offen we have this wonderful easy to access, large camp area all to ourselves.  Behind us there is enough room for a family reunion or school camp, there’s half a dozen fire place’s spread out, making me think at some stage it was used for a large gathering.  Up the cliffs are 3 great camp sites over looking the beach and ocean, these are used more regularly by over nighters or campers staying a few nights.  The first week there were 3 camper trailers here, so we thought it was ‘the start of the camping season’ and never expected to have the place to ourselves at all while here.  We have however had the place completely to ourselves plenty, most of the time actually.  Weekends are always busy.  The first weekend over 30 vehicles drove up the beach towards Manari reef, they all came back on Sunday afternoon, using the cliff top stops to pump up tires; dogs had to be on a lead that day.  Last weekend there were 4 camp sites around us, but the funniest one was the first people to set up.  Being first (apart from us) here for the weekend, they had a choice of spots to set up…they set up only 20m’s away form our camp!!!  We were like ‘what the’??  But they were quite enough, and we got to watch him fishing (not catching) without having to move from our seats.

Other characters we have seen (who needs a tv?):

- The speedo and bikini wearers who walked all the way up the beach (6km each way), without a fishing rod or even a camera..what were they doing??  Oh I just remembered the ‘sex on the beach’ couple??

- A photographer stayed for 2 nights, they would have to be the worst two sunsets and cloudy days since we got here.  Poor falla.

- Two men and a dog, who must have walked here!!!  We seen them again the next day up at Manari reef, then again that night back here, still walking!  Crazy!

- There’s a man in a ute who turns up every week, stays a few nights and then is gone again.  I wouldn’t be able to tell you anything about him, he hasn’t been seen away from his ute, just sits there listening to the radio…or the radio is on at the ute just sitting there by itself.

-  The good looking young couple who drunk beer all day and sat on the cliffs watching the sunset.  He was taking photos of her on the rock holding the fishing rod….not fishing, line not even in the water, just bending over holding his rod.  

- But the funnest of them all was one of the camper trailers packed up the hill.  We named her ‘The bag lady’ just because she was always, like always from dawn till dusk’ walking around the beach with a bag in hand.  Obviously looking for goodies, but not finding much as her bag always looked empty.  Anyway, her hubby or who ever will be part of our camping stories for ever, as we laughed out loud, like spitting and dribbling laughter, at his expense, kept laughing about it all day, and still am laughing about it now while writing. 
I was sitting inside, here at my computer so I must have been making a movie or downloading GoPro’s, looking out the window, when I seen Johnno jump up to grab the dogs.  The dogs are much more used to strange people around camp now, but at the start they were in guard dog duty mode, and would bark at and run up to people coming towards camp.  Johnno spotted the man coming towards camp along the beach, so jumped up to hold the dogs, stopping them from running.  He got very close to camp, so the dogs started barking at him.  He was pushing his push bike, assuming it was too hard to ride in the sand?  Johnno calls out to him ’Don’t worry mate, they are friendly, they just don’t like push bikes’.  This is when I looked up, what a push bike on the rocky beach?   The man mumbled something which we didn’t catch, but later thought was most likely ’neither do I’ due to his not being able to ride it.  
Then to try and calm the dogs Johnno turned to talk to the dogs, just talking to them in a calm voice helps to settle them down, stop their barking, it doesn’t really matter what you say; John said ’It’s ok dogs, he’s just taking his bike for a walk’!!!!
OMG I fell off my chair laughing, like really!!  The poor man must have heard us laughing, and pointing, and repeating ’It’s just a man walking his bike, perfectly normal, nothing to bark at’!!

Oh boy, I’m just laughing away to myself again, hahahahaha, It’s ok dogs, it’s just a man walking his bike!!!   And with that I’ll have to finish Positive Babble number one due to laughing too much again!

Downloading photo ready for when we get service again; not a bad view hay!!

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