Wednesday 1 July 2015

Positive Babble 3: Windy Days

Windy Day 4: Thursday
Driving to the reef

With the decreasing tides we thought we would head up the beach to fish the reef this week.  Smaller tides mean more time on the reef, not having to race the tide back to shore.  Last time we went there Johnno had a great time catching Queen fish on fly, and I caught a Mangrove Jack on popper which we ate for dinner.
YouTube link?
But this week, as the tidal movement has died down, the wind force has picked up! Tuesday when we had packed the car and where ready to go the wind picked up even more than the day before, we pulled the pin again.  Wednesday, we said, lets just go for a drive anyway, have a look around, it might not be that bad out on the reef?  Yah right! We drove down the beach but with the wind blowing sand off the dunes across the beach and into our eyes, we weren’t going for an exploration walk around.  Straight onto the reef we agreed, it’s going to be better out there, less sand at least.  Yah, less sand but still too windy to fish.  Johnno found a place where he could cast, and managed to catch a few small reef fish on fly. That kept him entertained while I followed the Sea Eagles around, filming them on GoPro knowing they would look too small, even though I was so close to them, but just enjoying the moment anyway.  We called it quits, going home saying we would return the next day…today was worse,  even stronger winds!

I have been filling in our hard to fish windy days by sorting photos: I now have 6,407 photo saved onto my external hard drive!  That’s just photos, not video footage!  One can only sit in front of a computer for so long…especially with wind and dust blowing around the tent!  Johnno was off fishing, practising his wind casting around camp.  I made him keep all the little Trevalley that he would normally throw back, so I could feed the dogs, and the Eagles!  I now have another 800 photos to sort and load onto the hard drive!!  You think I’m joking, but NO!!
Here’s a sample of some of today’s shots:

Fishing around the camp turned out okay, we have had fish for dinner (Mackeral or Queen fish) often, and with the added bonus of seeing the dolphins chasing the close to shore schools of bait.  They came so close I almost jumped in with them, but had my canon in hand instead of GoPro.  Pup spotted them and got very excited!  With his sore leg he doesn’t like the rocks or waves much any more, but neither stopped him once he had saw the big dolphins.  If they hadn’t moved around so fast I’m sure he would have been swimming out to them.  As it turned out they swam in close around the rock and along the next beach, so pup and I had fun chasing and yelling at them.

As is the way with weather…when you are fishing with John Marven ;)  The wind eased off in the evening, as the tide was going out again.  With the calmer weather and seas, it was a lovely sunset walk along the beach.  Check out how the cliffs come alive at sunset.

The plan for tomorrow Friday: if it’s not windy head to the reef at low tide, which is now much later in the day anyway.  If it is windy, go in the afternoon and fish the out going…

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