Wednesday 1 July 2015

Positive Babble 2: Strange days

Fog morning, already starting to lift due to our later rise 
We have had days here that are just continual catching fish.  Days when we have driven down to the reef, caught fish and snorkelled.  Then days when we just sit back around camp reading our books, rearranging, cleaning, organising: these days are usual mid day high tides, so we can still flick a lure around from camp.

Last nights Mango Mackerel for dinner, when we decided to sleep in to avoid the cold morning.
Today we did similar things, yet the whole day felt slightly weird.  Yesterday was a cold morning.  Our normal morning routine is to get up and read with a cup of coffee while the sun comes up.  The decision was made last night, that if it was cold in the morning we would stay in bed reading our book until it warms up.  Happens that we slept till almost 6:30am, so it was pretty warm when we got up anyway, but with a beautiful fog.  Maybe it’s the late start on a foggy morning that set the scene for a weird but still wonderful rest of the day.

It’s not that anything weird or even out of the ordinary happened (there is no such thing as an ‘ordinary’ day when living on the beach, every day is different.  The day was just once again different in all ways, but yet we did mostly the same things we do most days. 

After coffee and breakfast, we walked down the beach for a little fish.  There was heaps of bait fish around, but nothing chasing it.  We have had days when there is continual fish chasing the bait, but other days when there was no bait so not many fish.  Johnno spotted a few fish, but they were not interested in his fly or my lure.  He is now thinking they could be Milk Fish and devising a plan to catch them.  We did come home with a few fish notches under our belt, and a Queen fish in the bag for dogs breakfast.

The wind picked up on our way back to camp and by the time we got back there were white caps all around.  Coffee and chocolate biscuits go well with watching a ruff windy sea.  Then I settled in to sort a million eagle photos, so Johnno decided, having read enough lately, to watch a movie on his laptop…something we haven’t done much of in the last 3 months, so making that weird (but strangely wonderful) feeling even more so.

If I was any good at all with descriptive writing of any kind, I would go on to describe our afternoon of fishing in front of camp, playing with the dogs, feeding and photographing the 3-4 different Sea Eagles who came when we called, once we had caught a fish.  Then I’d go on to tell you about the beautiful sunset we watched while building a fire to cook our potatoes for dinner in, while having a cold beer.  But I got distracted sorting the 700+ photos I took today.  So instead of writing about it, here’s some photos to share with you:

Eagle 1 & Eagle 2: These are different birds, I knew this from sighting them both at the same time. At the moment my only way of telling them apart is from 2’s middle white feather, but what happens if they feather falls out and is replaced by a new one…does that even happen?  How are individual eagles normally identified?  Oh so many questions for Goggle when we meet up again!!

Booby catching fish

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