Thursday 23 April 2015

Rainy Days and Mozzies:

No sundowners this week, just sitting in the wet tent.


Thursday 23rd April = Happy Birthday Dad! Xxx
I’m so glad I called you on Monday by mistake, holiday head, can’t count Karen, mistaken days with no calendar, got to love that!!  It was shortly after that phone call that my phone went flat and I’ve had no way to recharge until tonight.

FIVE days of rain and cloudy weather, divine yes, but hard work when camping with solar panels!!  We never used to have a fridge when long term camping, or a computer, or GoPro’s that need recharging for that matter (it’s not all about the cold beer!).  So Power was never an issue, it’s something new that we are just learning about.  That’s Ok, that’s  one of the reason’s we wanted to stay close to town (Broome) for a while, to make sure everything was sorted out, all our new equipment.  

Trying to get everything dry during 5 days of rain!
The Mozzies here have been Monstrous!  I’m scared to go out after dark!!  Actually on Monday night they were so bad that I HAD to drive to Broome the next day to get Bug Spray!!  A restless itchy night, followed by an even worse morning, I couldn’t stand it!!  As it turned out we had to go to town, for more beer, ah no no, I mean because due to the overcast days our solar panels were not recharging the batteries!!  We have a little Generator, so brought a battery charger to run off it, while it was cloudy.  Taking the fridge in the car for our trip into town cooled that off, so I was able to buy more yummy cheese, meat, butter, um the luxuries I thought we would be living without…yes more Beer!!! 

Only problem with all this yummy food that I brought; 5 days of overcast weather, so the solar panels still were not charging batteries…then the friggen genny stopped working!!!  We still haven’t got to the bottom of that problem.  But after two nights of worry about the fridge, up and down checking charge and temps, it was time to do something about it…before the car battery went flat keeping my beer cold…I mean CHEESE and MEAT!!!!

This morning looked like the sun might shine??

But No, was like this all day!
So this morning after another attempt to keep the little generator running, but it having other idea’s, we headed to town (Broome) to try and fix it.   $600 for a new one, fine, that sounds much better, all I want is to be able to sleep at night.  FUNNY thing about new generators…they have to have oil in them before you start them for the first time!!  Friggen wish the man at the shop had told us that before we drove 50km’ back out of town!!  3 hours driving around and $1,000 spent was a hard enough morning, only to get back to camp and still have the same problem = NO POWER!!!   Oh well, back in the car and back to town we had to go.  Our lucky day!  We were helped out by some friendly locals on our way back into town, only a few km’s from our camp, who gave us a cup of oil, saving us the 100km round trip!  Back to camp, Generator running, batteries charging, fridge with all our yummy food in it still cold.

On the positive, we now have heaps of food, we have been living off BlueBone, so not eating much anyway.  We have enough water so we don’t have to go back to town for weeks.  AND, I got to see my little Bro while in Broome!!  He is a truck driver, and was cleaning his truck in the Broome yards waiting for his next job.  Good timing for me!!  Love you Bro!!! xxx …Missing teeth and all ;)
So apart from the Monstrous Mozzies, and lack of power, (preventing me from making movies and writing blogs),  it’s been a ‘different’ kind of week.  We had plans of snorkelling with the underwater camera, and flying the Drone on the big tides.  Both of which we will still do on the next set of big tides, because we have no plans of leaving here in a hurry!  Our regular trips to Broome now have us set up really well.  As said at the start, it was part of our plan to stay close to where we know until we get our shit sorted!  Now all power machinery has been tested we are happy with that.  We survived our first storm!  The first night we had a few unexpected leaks, and lots of uninvited insects!  But we have sorted out both problems now, we are ready for any weather, and I’ve just sprayed half a can of surface spray! Chemical warfare has begun!

Bluebone for lunch everyday!
Johnno caught 5 bluebone in 3 days, one fish a meal for 2 people = 5 bluebone meals in 3 days!  If you think we are sick of bluebone?  Obviously you haven’t tried it!!  Our favourite fish of all times, I’m still craving it!  Yesterday Johnno caught the 6th bluebone for the week, it was more the size we used to catch, a two meal fish!!!  Yah!  Half a fillet between us and an egg each, thank-you very much Mr wonderful, beautiful, tasty, Bluebone for another great lunch!!
6th Bluebone this week so far
The time inside has been spent sorting out boxes, rearranging and working out what we need and realising we have a lot of ‘stuff’ that we don’t need!  During our trip to Broome we joined the library, so now have another 5 books each to read!  Who care’s if it rains for another 5 days!!  Um, well us, we can still read in the sunshine!!
No sundowners this week, just sitting in the wet tent.
Charlie getting used to doing nothing all day!

Two days in the tent; they have their energy back!
Plan for tomorrow is a morning drive to Barred Creek…if it stops raining, we have been planning this trip for 3 mornings now! 

Preparing to go to Barred Creek tomorrow

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